Advanced Promotion Management
RTC’s Advanced Promotion Management (APM) module provides retailers running JDA® Merchandise Management System® (MMS®) with an automated promotion system that eliminates excessive discounting and helps retailers take their current promotional campaign beyond base Price Management parameters.
Campaigns can be set up for auto-apply, not requiring the presentation of a coupon. Campaign set up allows multiple selections of hierarchy, vendor, and item. APM eliminates double discounting by configuring campaigns to provide the item discount only if that item, within the transaction, has not already been discounted.
With easy to use screens, APM allows users to create multiple types of campaign benefit definitions in a campaign database including the ultimate “Buy X Get Y” Ex. (Buy any two DVDs and get a free bag of popcorn.)

APM Method Types:
- Percent off everything
- Percent off of purchase greater than dollar value
- Percent off selection of items with limit
- Dollars off selection of items with limit
- Buy quantity of a specific SKU for a fixed price with limit
- Buy a quantity of Mixed group of SKUs for a fixed price with limit
- Buy quantity of a specific SKU and get a quantity of that SKU for a percentage off (Limited Quantity) (BOGO)
- Buy quantity of mixed SKUs, get a quantity at equal or less value of the lowest price purchased for a percentage off (Limited Quantity)
- Buy quantity of mixed SKUs in Group X and get a quantity of equal or less value of the lowest price purchased from Group Y (Buy X Get Y)